The i9-XR is our leading integrated amplifier, that is feature rich and provides 2 x 98W into 6Ω. With both analogue and digital inputs, the i9-XR really is the complete answer regardless of your preferred listening source.
The i9-XR integrated amplifier performs consistently above its price bracket since it launched and has been receiving rave reviews from around the globe.
Every product in the XR Series has been developed from the ground up, with the i9-XR benefiting from our 2nd generation DAC QXR, which has had the reconstruction filters re-designed completely and the surrounding power supplies have also benefitted from clever design to dramatically lower noise and enhance dynamic range.
The result is a DAC that re-constructs the analogue signal with incredible accuracy and precision, allowing it to extract every nuance of musical information, revealing layers and depth, which will have you digging out those old favourites to hear them like never before.
The DAC input stage of the i9-XR features the 2nd generation of our award-winning QXR DAC, which includes a high-speed analogue buffer stage. Seven digital filter alignment options are user adjustable to suit the taste of the listener. Input options include USB audio (to 384k sample rate) and DSD to DSD256, 2 x SPDIF digital and 2 x optical digital inputs.
The QXR DAC design is based on the ESS ES9038Q2M chipset, which has had every component analysed by our engineering team, coupled with the layout being fully optimised to tune the DAC to achieve the highest possible performance. The result is a DAC that reconstructs the analogue signal with incredible accuracy and precision, revealing layers and depth that will have you listening back through your complete music collection.
The i9-XR includes a port for the new PSU-XR power supply. Thirty years ago Cyrus broke new ground with the introduction of the PSX-R, the first-ever regulated power supply upgrade that automatically adapted to match perfectly the power requirements of any connected product. The PSU-XR raises the bar by sourcing no less than five independent regulated supplies in a single box. For the i9-XR a pair of these are assigned to provide ultra-smooth power for the preamplifier, and a second pair to provide a huge dynamic boost for the power amplifier.
Derived from the new high-end Pre-XR preamplifier, the i9-XR analogue preamp features relay input selection and a new high-performance gain stage. This short-path design makes the analogue preamplifier extremely transparent. With four analogue inputs and phono MM, the i9-XR will cover just about any system requirement for analogue connectivity
The wideband power amplifier of the i9-XR responds from DC to beyond 100kHz ensuring ruler-flat frequency response and keeping any undesirable phase shifts out of the audio band. With a generous, over-specified power supply the i9-XR power amplifier is very capable of reproducing the scale and drama of the musical performance.
Inheriting many design features of the award-winning Phono Signature, the phono stage in the i9-XR performs at a level way above its class. Featuring low background noise and high dynamic range, the phono stage is a perfect complement for a quality vinyl turntable source.


StereoNET (English)
This amplifier offers excellent sound quality at the price, but in a lovely, small and neat package with excellent build quality.
Read Full ReviewTrusted Reviews (English)
If it’s sonic fidelity, excitement and entertainment you came for, well, the Cyrus i9-XR is the amplifier for you.
Read Full ReviewAV Forums (English)
Ed Selley from AV Forums takes us through his thoughts on the i9-XR integrated amplifier.
Read Full ReviewHi-Fi Choice (English)
Perhaps the most impressive aspect of what the Cyrus can do is that it is able to rival some equivalently priced designs that are analogue input only, while offering connectivity that they cannot match.
Read Full ReviewSTEREO.de (English)
The XR series scores highly thanks to fine detail and a new, even higher quality level. A highly musical experience!
Read Full ReviewHiFi & Music Source (English)
I’m bound to say I am enjoying the i9-XR, and it is clearly an accurate, agile, and punchy little thing and it is driving the speakers along with gusto.
Read Full ReviewHifi Stars (German)
New Cyrus XR series products come into the market with high expectations. Maintaining the usual compact design of the British manufacturer and at the same time moving into the high-end category of integrated amplifiers and CD players was a technical challenge. The ten years of development work has paid off – the result speaks for itself!”
Read Full ReviewAudio Test (German)
“Listening to it in combination with CDi-XR is a real joy. Everything is right: imaging, dynamics, fine details, etc.”
Read Full ReviewAudiotechnique (Chinese)
“It is very exceptional for small system shows an ideal soundstage. The music instruments are neat and organized. Openness, directness and main images served up close personal are the great music presentation from CYRUS.”
Read Full ReviewHifi.nl (Dutch)
“Cyrus wants to prove with the i9-XR that you can also expect high-end performance from something that is a fraction of the size of a typical hi-fi device. A mission in which the British largely succeed, because small clearly does not stand for weak here. The small size has some consequences for the user comfort, such as a smaller screen (which is very rich in contrast) and a busy back panel. However, they do not detract from the core values of the Cyrus i9-XR: playing your music in high quality and in a warm, intimate way, even on Goliath speakers that are many times larger than this little David.”
Read Full ReviewStereo i Kolorowo (Polish)
“Although the i9-XR sounds like a typical Cyrus, the overall tangibility and vividness of the sound have been improved here. This modernized aesthetic is best characterized by three simple words: timbre, power and emotion. And the fourth – resolution, because it is present here in a high measure. Therefore, with a clear conscience, I put the newly launched Cyrus i9-XR on an honorary shelf with the inscription “5/5 recommendation”!”
Read Full ReviewFairaudio (German)
“This English amplifier is incredibly fast and accurate, without being overly exaggerated or becoming uncomfortable for the listener. For those who prefer cosy and smooth – look elsewhere. That doesn’t mean the Cyrus i9-XR cannot sound smooth, quite the opposite. But its most obvious characteristic is a fast, dynamic sound with excellent definition and clarity. Think of the most powerful version of a Mini.”
Read Full ReviewAV Guide (Swiss)
“This compact beauty has what it takes to scare many heavyweight competitors. In any case, you never have the feeling that you are underpowered with just 2 x 90 watts. More importantly, the i9-XR drives very good speakers with ease and this results in tonal openness and spatial transparency. The technology takes a back seat when it comes to music reproduction. The integrated HiRes DAC is excellent, as is the phono MM stage which satisfies even more demanding users. The price/performance ratio of this Brit is excellent.”
Read Full ReviewHifi & Records (German)
“The i9-XR remains stable with large loudspeakers and is able to drive them with courage. In addition, the amp comes with a wide range of features, including five digital inputs.”
Read Full ReviewHifi Review (Chinese)
“The sound has a texture, not particularly strong, and there is no obvious warm sound orientation, just good enough. The hall sound is the same, enough is good enough to bring you a sense of openness, while listening to the huge venue without affecting other frequency range, nor pursuing gorgeous, beautiful, it sounds like that you are listening to the “reality”.”
Read Full ReviewHi-fi+ (English)
“At this sort of money, the i9-XR is spectacularly short of alternatives that can rival its level of insight, its well-controlled perkiness or its out-and-out fidelity. The addition of all those digital inputs is a fine and sensible idea, and the quality of its phono stage is not up for question.”
Read Full ReviewAudio-Vision Online (Hungarian)
“Enthusiasts of Cyrus design and sound character simply must listen to this [i9-XR + CDt-XR] combination if they are curious what the British manufacturer currently offers at the top of its high-end range. For those who adhere to components with classic dimensions, a replacement is worth considering. […] now they offer another compelling argument to change our habits, because in this case the quality of music is also a main focus.”
Read Full ReviewThe Perfect Sound Vision (Chinese)
“The CYRUS i9-XR is the best of the best and the supreme integrated amplifier from the CYRUS product range. The i9-XR is an obvious contender for best one-box performer. Further, it challenges and may even better many of today’s state-of-the-art amplifier front ends in its ability to convey music’s emotional content. That is quite an accomplishment.”
Read Full ReviewHifi & Musik (Swedish)
The Cyrus Duo [Stream-XR + i9-XR] was a marvel of airy and dynamically fast sound, which typically characterises electronics with low feedback. Yes, the duo was truly a lively and fresh breeze compared to the (cheaper) streaming amplifiers we simultaneously tested.
More in Hifi & Musik 1-2/2024 (Sweden)