Alpha Audio (Dutch – i7-XR)

“Despite its modest dimensions and unobtrusive looks (we think it looks cool), this is an absolute winner in its price class and, as far as we are concerned, even a reference. Versatile, fun and easy to use with a very balanced sound. Everything you can expect from a modern amplifier.”

Hifi & Musik (Swedish- i7-XR)

Cyrus [i7-XR] may not have been able to compete in brute strength and weight with the test’s biggest pieces, but if we’re talking about dynamic tension and lightning attacks, the heavyweights suddenly felt unexpectedly sluggish…”

Hi-fi+ (English- i9-XR)

“At this sort of money, the i9-XR is spectacularly short of alternatives that can rival its level of insight, its well-controlled perkiness or its out-and-out fidelity. The addition of all those digital inputs is a fine and sensible idea, and the quality of its phono stage is not up for question.”

(Chinese i9-XR)

“The CYRUS i9-XR is the best of the best and the supreme integrated amplifier from the CYRUS product range. The i9-XR is an obvious contender for best one-box performer. Further, it challenges and may even better many of today’s state-of-the-art amplifier front ends in its ability to convey music’s emotional content. That is quite an accomplishment.”

Hifi & Records (German – i9-XR)

“The i9-XR remains stable with large loudspeakers and is able to drive them with courage. In addition, the amp comes with a wide range of features, including five digital inputs.”

Fairaudio (German i9-XR)

“This English amplifier is incredibly fast and accurate, without being overly exaggerated or becoming uncomfortable for the listener. For those who prefer cosy and smooth – look elsewhere. That doesn’t mean the Cyrus i9-XR cannot sound smooth, quite the opposite. But its most obvious characteristic is a fast, dynamic sound with excellent definition and clarity. Think of the most powerful version of a Mini.”

AV Guide (Swiss i9-XR)

“This compact beauty has what it takes to scare many heavyweight competitors. In any case, you never have the feeling that you are underpowered with just 2 x 90 watts. More importantly, the i9-XR drives very good speakers with ease and this results in tonal openness and spatial transparency. The technology takes a back seat when it comes to music reproduction. The integrated HiRes DAC is excellent, as is the phono MM stage which satisfies even more demanding users. The price/performance ratio of this Brit is excellent.”

Stereo i Kolorowo (Polish i9-XR)

“Although the i9-XR sounds like a typical Cyrus, the overall tangibility and vividness of the sound have been improved here. This modernized aesthetic is best characterized by three simple words: timbre, power and emotion. And the fourth – resolution, because it is present here in a high measure. Therefore, with a clear conscience, I put the newly launched Cyrus i9-XR on an honorary shelf with the inscription “5/5 recommendation”!” (Dutch i9-XR)

“Cyrus wants to prove with the i9-XR that you can also expect high-end performance from something that is a fraction of the size of a typical hi-fi device. A mission in which the British largely succeed, because small clearly does not stand for weak here. The small size has some consequences for the user comfort, such as a smaller screen (which is very rich in contrast) and a busy back panel. However, they do not detract from the core values of the Cyrus i9-XR: playing your music in high quality and in a warm, intimate way, even on Goliath speakers that are many times larger than this little David.”