Hifi & Records (German – CDi-XR)

“The CDi XR is dynamically agile and tonally very finely balanced. It delivers a vivid, precise and wide soundstage. Its performance is filled as much with tension as it is with sophistication.”

Audio Test (German – i9-XR)

“Listening to it in combination with CDi-XR is a real joy. Everything is right: imaging, dynamics, fine details, etc.”

Hifi Stars (German – Cdi-XR-XR)

New Cyrus XR series products come into the market with high expectations. Maintaining the usual compact design of the British manufacturer and at the same time moving into the high-end category of integrated amplifiers and CD players was a technical challenge. The ten years of development work has paid off – the result speaks for itself!”

HiFi & Music Source (English-i9-XR)

I’m bound to say I am enjoying the i9-XR, and it is clearly an accurate, agile, and punchy little thing and it is driving the speakers along with gusto.

Audio-Vision Online (Hungarian CDt-XR + i9-XR)

“Enthusiasts of Cyrus design and sound character simply must listen to this [i9-XR + CDt-XR] combination if they are curious what the British manufacturer currently offers at the top of its high-end range. For those who adhere to components with classic dimensions, a replacement is worth considering. […] now they offer another compelling argument to change our habits, because in this case the quality of music is also a main focus.”

Audiotechnique (Chinese CDt-XR + Pre-XR + Stereo 200)

“Little box; Big wisdom […] The CYRUS XR system is incredibly detailed and transparent with the source material, allowing for the reproduction of huge soundscapes and unearths the most minute musical emotion. Considering its strong implementation of hi-res digital support, as well a CD transport designed and manufactured in-house, this CD transport and DAC-Pre and amplifier have few direct competitors in this size. If you’re a “musical presentation”-heavy audiophile on the prowl for the ultimate small-box solution, CYRUS XR system could be just what you’re looking for.”

Soundrebels (Polish – i7-XR + CDt-XR)

Everything indicates that, as the years are passing, the Hi-Fi market is undoubtedly changing and Cyrus, with feet firmly on the ground, stubbornly offers electronics in a gentle, more attractive design and a surprisingly favorable quality / price ratio. If the above resume raises your doubts, I strongly encourage you to listen to the title duo, i.e. CDt-XR and i7-XR, to see with your own eyes and ears that a lot of good sound is encompassed in these inconspicuous boxes.

I-Fidelity.net (German-Classic AMP)

“The Classic AMP convinces at the decisive point: the sound quality. Its light-footed, thus relaxed, pace clearly sets it apart from the usual, because the Cyrus demonstrates a dexterity in handling all sounds. Listening to music with this amplifier is a real pleasure.”

Highfidelity.pl (Polish-Classic PRE)

Wojciech Pacuła of highfidelity.pl took a closer look at Classic PRE. “If you are looking for a universal preamplifier and do not care about specific amplifier topologies, you should like the Classic PRE. […] As it is, the PRE is really great.”